Lower St. Croix “One Watershed, One Plan”


The St. Croix River, groundwater, lakes, streams, rivers, wetlands, and upland habitat in the Lower St. Croix watershed sustain healthy ecosystems, recreation, public health, tourism, agriculture, the economy, and quality of life in our communities.  


Through the Lower St. Croix “One Watershed, One Plan” process, partners are implementing a collaborative and comprehensive plan to guide the protection and restoration of priority natural resources in our region from 2021-31.


  • Enhance collaboration and consistency between upstream and downstream neighbors, and between different levels of government;

  • Identify and address gaps in data, technology, or implementation funding across the region;

  • Avoid duplication of efforts; and

  • Make efficient use of federal, state and local funds to address priority issues and protect/improve valuable natural resources in the Lower St. Croix watershed.