Resources for Communities
We work with communities in the Lower St. Croix watershed to implement policies, programs, and practices that minimize stormwater runoff pollution and preserve habitat corridors for pollinators, birds and wildlife.
Contact Barbara Heitkamp to learn more about the following topics or request a presentation for your council, commission, or organization:
Cost-share incentives for enhanced street sweeping
Available funding for reviewing community ordinances for stormwater management, erosion control, and vegetation management, including Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS)
Reducing runoff pollution and improving wildlife habitat in parks and public spaces
Educating and engaging the public on watershed projects and programs
Make sure you check our Events page for upcoming learning and training opportunities, including our 2024 workshops for local and elected community leaders!
resources for Communities and community leaders
stormwater management:
As urban areas continue to expand, the creation of impermeable surfaces and the elimination of natural vegetation have become common practices. However, these actions contribute to a significant rise in stormwater runoff, posing potential risks of flooding and erosion within communities. Fortunately, various measures and initiatives have been developed to effectively control rainwater at its origin.
Trying to learn more about your current ordinances and their impact? Here are questions to ask your local water resource manager.
Are you getting development proposals for your community? Here are questions to ask of the developer.
Minnesota Stormwater Manual:
Information and design standards for stormwater best management practices
Minimal Impact Design Standards (MIDS):
Stormwater volume performance goals for new development, redevelopment and linear projects;
New credit calculations that standardize the use of a range of structural stormwater techniquies;
Design specifications for a variety of green infrastructure best management practices (BMP's); and
Our partnership is helping communities explore adopting MIDS! Learn more and contact us.
Water quality and stormwater:
Stormwater runoff is capable of transporting an assortment of pollutants, including those of both natural and human origin. Gain a better understanding of how to manage water quality in stormwater runoff through various management strategies.
Street Sweeping: Street sweeping helps improve water quality by removing debris, sediment, and pollutants from road surfaces, preventing them from being washed into water bodies during rainfall events.
Information and guidance on street sweeping: MPCA's Minnesota Stormwater Manual website.
Compilation of research and resources: University of Minnesota Clean Sweep Program
Tree Canopy Assessment Protocol for Enhanced Street Sweeping Prioritization (funded by the Lower St. Croix Watershed Partnership)
Street sweeping research projects funded through the Minnesota Stormwater Research and Technology Transfer Program: UMN WRC project's website.
assessing and improving green spaces:
Growing Shade:
An interactive resource to inform tree canopy enhancement and preservation in the Twin Cities region
Free tools to assess individual trees and tree canopy, based on current, peer-reviewed tree benefits estimation science from the USDA Forest Service.