Minnesota's love affair with its lakes runs deep, as these bodies of water hold a special place in the hearts of its residents. We strive to provide learning opportunities, resources and programs to those who own lakeshore property as they provide a critical role to helping protect lake health and lake ecosystems.
Learn more about available programs and resources below. Check our events calendar to see upcoming learning opportunities.
Contact Barbara Heitkamp, shared water resources educator, for more information.
Available Programs and Resources
Your local lake
Looking for detailed information about most Minnesota lakes? Use Lake Finder (on desktop and mobile).
Interested a snapshot picture of your lake’s health? Use the Watershed Health Assessment Framework: Lakes.
Find out if your lake is listed on the Minnesota impaired waters list. Minnesota MPCA impaired waters map - www.pca.state.mn.us/water/impaired-waters-viewer-iwav
Interested in what shoreland development standards apply to your lake? Look up your lake’s shoreland classification.
Your shoreline
Assessing shoreline health
Interested in learning how well your shoreline protects lake health and supports the lake ecosystem? Use the tools below to evaluate your shoreline.
Minnesota’s Vanishing Natural Shorelines: A Loss that Contributes to Degraded Lake Quality (MN Natural Shoreline Partnership)
MN DNR Score your Shore Program
MN DNR Restore Your Shore
Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates Lake Steward Program (for MNLRA lake association members)
Altering your shoreline
Want to install a dock or beach? Check out this MN DNR resource with information sheets about common shoreline alterations.
Interested in hiring somebody for your project? Check out this guidance of what questions to ask any landscape contractor.
Interested in hiring somebody to help remove your dock or lift? Know what questions to ask.
Do you have ice ridges? Check out this fact sheet.
Previous workshops:
Shoreline Contractor Workshop - Dealing with ice ridges (3-19-25)
Welcome and 2025 Status of Minnesota Lakeshores - Barbara Heitkamp, Lower St. Croix Watershed Partnership (slides)
Shoreline basics - what’s allowed and what isn’t - Casey Thiel, Chisago SWCD (slides)
Permitting and coordination for work related to ice ridges - Tom Langer, Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix WD (slides)
Watershed and SWCD assistance and sample designs - Lori Tella, Washington CD (slides)
Legal Considerations - Michael Welch, Smith Partners
Full recording (includes all presentations and discussion)
Restore Your Shore (5-8-23) Recording
Protect Your Shore (4-18-23) Recording
Wondering if your shoreline project may require a Minnesota DNR Public waters work permit? Check out: www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/watermgmt_section/pwpermits/requirements.html
Looking to manage aquatic plants along your shore? See if you need a permit: www.dnr.state.mn.us/shorelandmgmt/apg/permits.html
All shoreline projects need to follow local rules and ordinances! Check with your local Watershed District, Soil and Water Conservation District, or Zoning Administrator to make sure you do not need a permit for your project.
Local government jurisdictions
Watershed Districts and your county Soil and Water Conservation District can provide technical and potential financial assistance with shoreline projects. They can also help you determine whether your project will likely require any permits. Visit our partners page for links to Watershed Districts and SWCDs in the Lower St. Croix Watershed.
Other Resources
Blue Thumb – www.bluethumb.org **Plant selector tool; native plant suppliers and contractors; workshops and events; info on pollinator gardens, raingardens, shoreline plantings and turf alternatives
Planting for clean water: www.mnwcd.org/planting-for-clean-water
Lawn Care: www.mnwcd.org/lawn-care
Are you a realtor? Take our on-demand, accredited shoreline realtor workshop.
Click to sign up for our e-newsletter for lake associations and shoreline property owners, delivered 4-6 times per year
Have you played our water pollution mystery game? See who the perpetrator is.